My Radio Debut!

Lynda Spiro - There is Always More To Say
Another week! Another update! This week has literally flown by!
I was invited to speak to the lovely Hannah Murray on The Book Show at Talk Radio Europe for my radio debut about There Is Always More To Say. I was seriously nervous beforehand but Hannah was so lovely that I forgot about my nerves once we started chatting. If you would like to listen to the programme you can catch it on on Thursday, August 4th between 7pm and 8pm.
I was extremely lucky to have been given a Guest Post by Sam (@MrsB_2011), who asked me to share ‘How I Got Into Writing’ on her wonderful blog. I found this a really interesting topic to think about. You can read the post here on The Book Corner.
I have set the next four weeks aside to concentrate on my new book. I’m really really excited about the prospect of this. I have so many ideas in my head and they seriously need organising, refining and being put down onto paper!
Keep in touch! I will!
It’s the summer holidays so enjoy both the lovely weather and the quiet roads! I am!
Lynda x

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About the Author

Lynda Lynda lives in London. She is a mixed media artist and There Is Always More To Say is her first novel.

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