There Is Always More To Say – One Year On

Lynda Spiro - There is Always More To Say

This week marked two important anniversaries in my calendar. Not only was it my own 58th birthday but I also celebrated the first birthday of There Is Always More To Say. I can’t believe that it’s already been a year since publication. I still find it almost inconceivable that the book is available to people all around the world. Witnessing the response from readers everywhere has been amazing. Thank you.

The release has led to my journey on social media. I now see a lot of people on Twitter and Instagram engaging with the themes and ideas from the book. I am also still finding myself answering different questions from people who get in touch with me about the story. It means a lot! Keep those questions coming please! I love answering them. I’m still finding social media quite stressful. But less stressful than this time last year! I’ve found the whole community amazingly responsive and welcoming. Thinking about it, I’m definitely beginning to enjoy it more as time goes by. And as I become more able.

Many people have asked me if I have planned or if I have started to prepare a sequel. Even though ‘there is always more to say’, I have decided to close this book for now. I’ve moved on to another story. It’s nice to know that people want more. But I felt that the story had come to a good ending which offers each reader their own interpretation of the future.

I have, however, been writing my second novel. The process has largely been the same. This has resulted in many ups and downs! But it’s now beginning to take shape and my characters are finding themselves fitting into my story. I haven’t set a deadline for publication yet. But I’ll make sure to keep you all updated along the way.

It really has been an adventure this year and I’ve loved every second of it. Well almost! I’ve found a whole new community online who have been incredibly supportive. I really had a wonderful Easter and birthday weekend spent with my family and friends. I hope yours was good too.

Lynda x

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About the Author

Lynda Lynda lives in London. She is a mixed media artist and There Is Always More To Say is her first novel.

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